PVC Drainage Pipe with geotextile filter
Product data sheets
SAP Index | SAP material description | Diameter | Wall thickness |
Length | Packing (box) |
Packing (pallet) |
BUoM | |
3497101693 | PVC Drainage Pipe 50/50 with geotextile filter SN8 | 50 mm | 3 mm | 50 m | 50 | 250 | M | |
3497101694 | PVC Drainage Pipe 65/50 with geotextile filter SN4 | 65 mm | 3 mm | 50 m | 50 | 250 | M | |
3497101695 | PVC Drainage Pipe 80/50 with geotextile filter SN4 | 80 mm | 4,0 mm | 50 m | 50 | 250 | M | |
3497101696 | PVC Drainage Pipe 100/50 with geotextile filter SN4 | 100 mm | 4,0 mm | 50 m | 50 | 250 | M | |
3497101697 | PVC Drainage Pipe 125/50 with geotextile filter SN4 | 125 mm | 5 mm | 50 m | 50 | 250 | M | |
3497101698 | PVC Drainage Pipe 160/50 with geotextile filter SN4 | 160 mm | 8 mm | 50 m | 50 | 200 | M | |
3497102594 | PVC Drainage Pipe 200/40 with geotextile filter SN4 | 200 mm | 40 m | 40 | 120 | M |